15th May, 2024

Marketing Quick Tips – How to Grow Your Followers on Instagram?

Join Chloe in her latest YouTube Video where she’s breaking down the best ways to grow your Instagram following in 2024.

No time to watch? We’ve broken down the key points below.

How to grow your following on Instagram?

Do NOT buy followers!

It might be tempting and it might be the first thing you spot when you Google “how to grow your Instagram following” but trust me, it’s not worth it!

It can lead to your account getting shadow banned, or just plain banned-banned. Plus your engagement will be measly.

Start with your “home” platform

Social media can be relentless and it’s easy to overcommit and spread yourself too thin over every platform under the sun. I really recommend starting on the platform you use the most, your “home” platform.

My most frequented social media is Instagram – it’s the one I scroll and interact with the most often, and it’s the one I enjoy the content on the most, which is why I’m talking about it here, too!

Curate your feed

Your Instagram profile and your feed posts should be curated and beautiful. You should have all your key information pinned and this should be the shop-window into your brand.

But – go wild on Reels!

On the flip side, Reels is a completely different beast, ran by an almost independent algorithm to the main feed. It pains me to say this but the best strategy for reels is quantity over quality.

If you talk to anyone who has had a post go viral (or semi-viral) on the platform they will tell you that it’s never the post they put the most effort into, and it’s never the post they thought would do best – it’s almost always just a random thing they put together and put out on a whim!

That’s just how the Reels algo works, it’s great for organic reach but you need to post often, post lots of variants of the same thing just to see what performs better – post all your ideas! You just have to try everything out to see what the algorithm rewards and what your audience resonates with.

Analyse everything

As always, it’s important to look back retrospectively and analyse what’s done well and try to recreate the key aspects of those videos going forwards.

It may seem artificial to analyse and recreate, and yes, to some extent repeating the same thing indefinitely will lead to diminishing returns on the platform – we don’t want to bore our new audience – but it’s the key factor in doing more of what got you the best results!

Stay active

Remain active on the platform! It’s called “social” media for a reason! Make sure you’re engaging with other creators on the platform, commenting, liking other brands and creators that inspire you or are in our niche.

Give engagement, get engagement – interact with others how you’d like to be interacted with! We’re all people behind these accounts so stay friendly and be nice.


If you have any other questions on marketing as a whole, or how this might impact your own brand, feel free to drop into our next Coffee Morning Drop In Session or get in touch with us and we can help work with you to grow your platforms organically or non-organically via paid social media marketing.

Picture of Chloe Rudd

Chloe Rudd

If overqualified had a picture in the dictionary, it would be Chloe’s face. If there’s a certification up for grabs, she’s already done it. In the neverending endeavour to silence her imposter syndrome, she prides herself on really knowing her sh*t when it comes to marketing. She’s on a mission to make marketing more fun, more honest and more meaningful.
About us

Unit Digital are a creative marketing agency, based in the heart of Sheffield City Centre.