Jim, surrounded by the team wearing his face as masks
7th September, 2024

Summer in the City ~ 2 Years on from Unit Digital’s Launch Party

Ohhhh she loves a callback! We blinked and just like that it’s been two whole years since Jim’s original “Summer in the City” article celebrating the launch of Unit Digital!

In August 2022 we celebrated Unit with a launch party surrounded by our friends and family, and this summer we took Team Unit out for dinner and drinks at the new Radisson Blu hotel in Sheffield City Centre. (How wild is it that there’s 10 of us now?! We’ve come a long way from being me & Jim and some helpful freelancers preserving our sanity.)

It also happened to be the same week as the birthday of our Fearless Leader – the man, the myth, the legend himself – Jimmy Hughes. And how better to celebrate your birthday than by sitting down to dinner, only to be greeted by 9 copies of your own face staring back at you?

We celebrated in true Unit style – getting dolled up, having a mini-photoshoot on a balcony, and accidentally wandering into a Lindy Bop dance lesson without realising it.

What else has changed in the past 2 years? Jim mentioned in the last post that we were planning on holding more in-person events in our city centre offices and we did! We’ve recently hosted our 3rd Coffee Morning and Marketing Q&A Drop In Session and it’s been amazing getting to meet new marketers and business owners in Sheffield, and get to know some of our clients in real life.

It’s also been a hard two years, for me in particular, I’ve been through a lot of life changes and struggles with my mental health but I will forever be thankful to my business partner and (sometimes unwilling) mentor, Jim. And I’m sure it’s not entirely unrelated but this month I also celebrate 1 year of sobriety.

It’s safe to say, in the past two years Unit has gone from strength to strength. Every morning I can not wait to get into the office because I am fortunate enough to work with the greatest team in the world. Every single human in this office is a force to be reckoned with, overflowing with unrivalled creativity, professionalism and kindness – they’re a bunch of self-assured agency superstars and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us all.

I am forever thankful for everything that has come my way over the past two years – to every client who has believed in us (and stayed on the Zoom call for 10 mins extra to have a good ol’ gossip), the entire team for choosing Unit as their workplace (and their incredible support and constant nudges when I forget what the heck I was just doing), and to my family for putting up with me being both the most highly-strung and the most scatty person on the entire planet.

Oh, and how could I forget – Penny – my Barketing Manager – for getting me out of bed, out of the house, keeping me in line and always keeping me humble when your TikTok’s far outperform my own.

A previous boss, the legendary Cath Morgan, at The Blacksmith Arms all the way back in Swainby once told me that the harder I work, the luckier I’ll get, and I could never have imagined how right she’d be.

Now let’s not break from the format that Jim set two years ago, please enjoy some more shots of our gorgeous, talented, incredible team at our Summer Formal/Jim’s 21st* Birthday Party!


Picture of Chloe Rudd

Chloe Rudd

If overqualified had a picture in the dictionary, it would be Chloe’s face. If there’s a certification up for grabs, she’s already done it. In the neverending endeavour to silence her imposter syndrome, she prides herself on really knowing her sh*t when it comes to marketing. She’s on a mission to make marketing more fun, more honest and more meaningful.
About us

Unit Digital are a creative marketing agency, based in the heart of Sheffield City Centre.